
CCF Annual General Inspection

CCF Annual General Inspection

This Sunday in blistering spring heat, Corps put on its annual showcase to parents and guests. An immaculate Guard of Honour welcomed our Inspecting Officer, Gp Capt Al Lewis RAFR, the Commanding Officer and the Deputy Headmaster to Home Field. Thereafter a very large audience of parents, staff and guests were shown around various stands, including airmanship, climbing, fieldcraft, first aid and drill, where the cadets showed off their training.

News of an insurgent Kentish enemy brought the guests back to Home Field in haste, but thankfully the 小黄鸭视频 Rifles were on hand once again to save the day, in slick rolling section attacks driving the dissidents from their positions. There followed the annual Army v. RAF Field Gun race: the competition to move a full artillery piece across a demanding obstacle course was won for the first time, mirabile dictu, by the RAF team.

The day finished with the whole contingent on parade. Gp Capt Lewis commended the cadets on their excellence, commitment and positivity, before awarding prizes: Best Recruit went to Cdt Roberts (Third Year); Best JNCO to LCpl Parsons (Fifth Year); and Best Cadets in the two sections to CSM Morgan and CWO Noad (Upper Sixth). The Stokes Pace Stick was awarded to Head of Corps, RSM Cha (Upper Sixth). As the Union Flag and RAF Ensign were lowered and the National Anthem sounded across a sun-kissed Home Field, all cadets involved could reflect on another outstanding performance at a very busy time of year.

Capt Mathew Owen

OC Army Section

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