


小黄鸭视频 is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

House Song – Lewisham Triumphant

Wednesday afternoon of Wilberforce Week saw the return of the hotly contested House Song competition. Ably supported by the...

Orchard Theatre Festival – Outdoor Action

On Thursday and Friday last week actors from across the school took to our sunny outdoor stage as part...

Wilberforce Week – Action Packed Days!

What a way to round off the year! A week filled with fun activity which engaged everyone in our...

Sun shines on Passing Out Parade

On a sun-drenched Home Field last Wednesday, in front of a very large audience of parents, friends, staff and...

Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

On the Monday of Wilberforce Week, the Third Years were invited to walk the red carpet in their glad...

GIVING DAY! Thank you!

On 1 and 2 July, we celebrated our second Giving Day. Over 36 hours our pupils, staff, parents and...

Table Tennis Hit – thanks to our PA!

A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association for providing an outdoor Table Tennis table for Eothen Courtyard. It...

Pupils’ Politics Magazine Out Now

The Politics department is delighted to present the new issue of Preview, the student Politics magazine. This year we...

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